John 20:30-31
Jesus did many other miracles before his followers that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you can believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Then by believing, you can have life through his name.
Do you believe in miracles? It sounds like a question from a bad dating survey. However I struggle with this one.
See, I know it is a blessing to believe without seeing, but I am flawed. I need to see. I can’t be sure they’re real. Like Thomas, I have to feel and touch the reality of God. And yet, I still haven’t seen a miracle.
I’ve seen three children born into this world. I’ve seen a young girl dance in a wheelchair after she won a race. I’ve seen marriages heal and people get well. But are these miracles? I’m not sure.
Biblical miracles seem BIG. But then again, people expected them to be. Today, we don’t expect miracles. We dare not expect our insurance to cover our medical bills, much less a full blown, biblical healing. Today, if we saw a miracle, we’d explain it away with science.
Miracles to me are not to create faith, but to confirm it. No miracle will be big enough to make me believe, but a small miracle can remind me who God is.
It was not until my first child was born that I understood the miracle of life. So much can go wrong, and yet, there in my arms lay proof that God exists and loves us.
Today, we have so much more interfering with our ability to see and feel God. We search for meaning in a world that values a big house more than a big heart. A miracle today may not be that God parted the seas or healed the lame. A miracle today may be that we can feel God’s presence. We see it in the change of seasons. We feel it in our child’s hug. We hear it in a stranger’s kind words when we are discouraged. We need to look for the miracles and expect them to exist.
Dear Jesus,
You are so powerful and yet so compassionate. Your miracles made it clear that you were God’s Son. Yet today we doubt your ability to perform miracles. Help us to see the small miracles in our life and help us to pray confidently for the big miracles we know you can perform. Give us faith.
Jesus did many other miracles before his followers that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you can believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Then by believing, you can have life through his name.
Do you believe in miracles? It sounds like a question from a bad dating survey. However I struggle with this one.
See, I know it is a blessing to believe without seeing, but I am flawed. I need to see. I can’t be sure they’re real. Like Thomas, I have to feel and touch the reality of God. And yet, I still haven’t seen a miracle.
I’ve seen three children born into this world. I’ve seen a young girl dance in a wheelchair after she won a race. I’ve seen marriages heal and people get well. But are these miracles? I’m not sure.
Biblical miracles seem BIG. But then again, people expected them to be. Today, we don’t expect miracles. We dare not expect our insurance to cover our medical bills, much less a full blown, biblical healing. Today, if we saw a miracle, we’d explain it away with science.
Miracles to me are not to create faith, but to confirm it. No miracle will be big enough to make me believe, but a small miracle can remind me who God is.
It was not until my first child was born that I understood the miracle of life. So much can go wrong, and yet, there in my arms lay proof that God exists and loves us.
Today, we have so much more interfering with our ability to see and feel God. We search for meaning in a world that values a big house more than a big heart. A miracle today may not be that God parted the seas or healed the lame. A miracle today may be that we can feel God’s presence. We see it in the change of seasons. We feel it in our child’s hug. We hear it in a stranger’s kind words when we are discouraged. We need to look for the miracles and expect them to exist.
Dear Jesus,
You are so powerful and yet so compassionate. Your miracles made it clear that you were God’s Son. Yet today we doubt your ability to perform miracles. Help us to see the small miracles in our life and help us to pray confidently for the big miracles we know you can perform. Give us faith.
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