Exodus 33:20-23 (The Lord said to Moses) "But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see my greatness and live." The Lord continued, "Look, stand near me on this rock. As my glorious presence passes by, I will hide you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and let you see me from behind. But my face will not be seen."
When I was in high school, I loved the TV show 21 Jump Street. In fact, I had a binder with pictures and articles about the show and the actors. I was obsessed. My all time favorite, of course, was Johnny Depp. But I had them all, Holly Robinson, Dustin Nguyen, Peter DeLouise, everyone. They all lived in a Trapper Keeper on my dresser
I don't need to tell you how excited I was when I heard that the WHOLE CAST of 21 Jump Street would be signing autographs at Marshall Fields on State Street in Chicago. I couldn't believe it. I could meet them all. I'd be close enough to touch them.
The day arrived and my sister and I waited six hours in the basement of Marshall Fields, well, not really the basement. It was the hot, croweded pedestrian tunnel from the EL that led to the basement of Marshall Fields. The whole time, I rehearsed over and over in my head how I would tell them how AMAZING they all were. But when I finally got to the front of the line, I froze. I was in awe and fell silent. I was in the presence of greatness.
I have often wished that God would show himself to me. I wished that he would prove beyond a doubt that he is real. I wished, like Moses did, that I could see his glory face to face. But now I think I understand why he sheilds his greatness.
See, I was in the presence of four human actors and fell silent. What would I do in the presence of God, who is so much bigger and greater than anything I can even imagine? It's a wonder that I can even talk to him. It's amazing that I can come to him in praise or with a humble request. I am so greatful that he does't let us see his glory face to face, because if he did, I think I'd run.
Instead, I cherish my time with him. The moments I spend in earnest prayer or heart-felt praise is some of the most important time in my day. If I were to fall silent, or freeze in awe, I would be missing my intimate, strengthening, peace-bringing time with my father. He is so wise to show us his glory indirectly.
But one day, I will see him face to face. I will fall to my knees, and worship him with a song I cannot even imagine. His greatness will overwhelm me and I will praise him with a new song. In the meantime, I try to remember that God, in his greatness, loves me in my tiny, imperfect life. He wants me to come before him, despite my insignificance. And so he sheilds his glory and gives me but a glimpse of his infinate majesty, because he loves me. And for that... I am grateful.
Infinate God,
You are so glorious, we cannot even fathom it. And yet, you seek a relationship with us. You put yourself on our level, even to the point of living on earth so that we could come to know you. You have given us glimpses of your glory. We want to see you face to face, but you know the time has not yet come. So we wait, with anticipation for the day we can fall before you with soungs of praise and thanksgiving.
I love the illustration you give us here with the actors from 21 Jumpstreet. It was good food for thought...If I saw God, in the way I want to see Him sometimes...would I even be able to speak. I agree with you, there is no way!