Matthew 5:16
In the same way let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
I love winter in the upper peninsula of Michigan. The days are short and the snow is constant, but God has blessed that land with amazing beauty and light. See, when there is over a foot of snow on the ground, the white snow reflects every drop of sunshine until it pierces your eyes. I am in wonder at the foresight of God. An overcast day in the snow can be as bright as a sunny day at the beach.
We are called to be light in this dark world. We have been given the gift of God’s grace and love. It’s like a fire, burning inside of us. It starts small and grows until it cannot be contained. As our hearts burn for Jesus, His light is glowing in our lives. I don’t think it takes much of God’s light to change the world. Like the snow in the UP, God’s creation reflects his light.
How does our light shine in this dark world? When I was a child, we sang the song “It Only Takes a Spark.” I loved the image of one spark starting a beautiful fire for everyone to sit by, warmly singing songs. I believe that each small act of kindness, each compassionate word, each time we resist temptation shines God’s light brighter.
Our light should bring glory to God. Here, I think Mother Theresa. You know, helping the poor in Calcutta? She definitely glorified God with her good deeds. But me, how can my good works glorify God? Christians are called to live out our faith. Each time we make a moral choice, help the needy or show compassion, someone sees God’s loving hand. We can show his glory to one person at a time, one act at a time.
Heavenly Father,
You have given us your light. Help us to use it to show your love to the world. Help us to realize that each action, no matter how small reflects your glory. Thank you for your light in this world.
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