John 15:9
I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love.
When Jesus spoke these words, he knew he would be leaving his disciples. He wanted to prepare them for a time when he was not physically present. He wanted them to know that they were loved, by him and the Father. All they had to do was remain there.
It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Remain in my love. You’re already there, just don’t go anywhere. But life always gets in the way. We get busy, forget to take time with God, put other things first and suddenly, we’ve lost it. We were there. We were feeling Jesus’ love and then it seemed to disappear.
Imagine driving down the road on a foggy night. You’re looking for a street. You’ve driven here a hundred times, but for some reason, you can’t seem to find it. The fog has literally blocked it from view. What do you do? Do you keep driving along at 30 miles an hour, waiting to turn at any minute?
No, you slow down, turn off the radio, lean forward in anticipation, maybe turn on your signal. You get prepared, you get ready. You know the street is there, you just can’t see it.
That’s how it is with Jesus’ love. We may get too busy, losing sight of him. We may zoom by, unaware that our vision is obstructed. All the distractions of everyday life cloud our vision. But if we slow down, turn down the radio, tune out the distractions, we can find him. We can get back to his loving arms. We’re not too far, his love is right there. We just can’t quite see it for the fog.
Jesus, Friend,
Thank you for loving us. Your love is powerful and complete. Help us to remain there. But Lord, when we stray, help to clear the fog the world places in our path. Bring us back to you. Help us to remain in your love.
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