Psalm 46:10
“Be still and know that I am God!”
I love nature. A walk in the woods is like a small piece of heaven here on earth. When I am amidst the trees, with crushed rock beneath my feet, I can feel that God is there. In the woods, I KNOW God. His awesome hand, painted the trees and the butterflies. His endless imagination dreamed up a seemingly infinite number of bugs and birds. In the woods, all is right with the world.
Not so in the “real world”. In my every day life, God feels so distant at times. I get caught up in my schedule, my work, taking care of my family, going to church. There is barely time for a walk, much less a walk in the woods. At the end of the day, I fall into bed and hope for some rest before the next day begins.
Some nights, that rest escapes me. My mind wanders to finances,” How will we pay for that new air conditioner?” kids, “Did they remember to get their stuff ready for tomorrow?” and my own health, “What’s that bump on my neck? What would happen to my family if….?” I’d give anything for a walk in the woods at those times.
I know that the worries of this life are inevitable and will pass away over time. However, their power over me can be pretty strong. In fact, the only way I’ve been able to combat them is to physically get out of bed, sit, clear my mind and then pray. On those dark nights, I journey from fear to peace in a matter of minutes, literally. Once I realize that God is God, and I am just along for the ride, my mind stops racing and my fears keep right on going, until they’ve raced out of my head. Only then am I really still, both physically and mentally. Only then, can I KNOW God.
I KNOW God when I feel his presence and all is well. I KNOW God when I suddenly find the answer to a problem I have been struggling with for weeks. I KNOW God when my tired body can sleep because my overactive fears are held at bay. I KNOW God when I can finally trust his providence. God is real, be still and KNOW him.
Holy God,
You are so real and you truly want to know us. Help us to find you in the midst of our busyness. Help us to find a way to be still, both physically and mentally. Calm our worried minds, so that we can find the peace that only you can bring.
In your Name we pray,
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