John 12:46
I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.
I don’t know about you, but I never really outgrew my fear of the dark. As a child, I would stay in my bed, wide awake, because I was too afraid to get out of bed and turn on the light. Somehow, if I could feel my mattress under me, I felt safe. I don’t know what I thought was out there, but I knew it was bad. The distance from my bed to the wall seemed like an ocean, filled with unknown creatures.
Now, sometimes when the kids are in bed and my husband is away, I get a similar feeling. I walk quickly around dark corners, sprint past windows and race to the light switch. Click. All is better. A night without light is scary. A life without light is unimaginable. And yet, so many of us live with darkness. Our lives can be darkened by fear, loneliness, illness, or indifference. Suddenly, we lie awake in bed at night, unable to turn on the light. We can’t make it better by ourselves.
Imagine a light that can remove the darkness immediately, without the terrifying journey to the wall. Jesus says that he came to bring light to the world. He is our light in the darkness. And who am I? Am I empty air that light travels through, as it passes across the room? Or am I a wall that blocks the light from those around me? I am empty air when I bask in the glory of God, reveling in his love, only to go home and continue as I was before, unchanged. God’s light was there, but I did nothing with it. I am a wall when I absorb God’s light on my own. However, when I come across someone who needs it, I judge them, lecture them or ignore them. God’s light was there. I could pass it light on, but instead, I seal in their darkness.
Instead, I pray that I can be a mirror reflecting the light of God’s grace for the entire world to see. As I lay my burdens on the Lord, his light shines in my life and others see the changes it has made. Suddenly, they want to stand in his light as well. God did not shine his light on me so that I may watch it pass or block it from view. Instead, he wants me to reflect his light into the world, drawing others to him, through the love and grace he has shared.
Precious Jesus,
You are our light in this dark world. Help me today to reflect your light upon others so they may feel your grace. Lord, remove the darkness from my life, so that it will not block your light from those around me.
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