Philippians 4:13 For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.
When you were growing up, were you ever told that you could do anything, if you just tried hard enough? I think this is a very frustrating comment. I've mentioned before that I am athletically challenged. My mom enrolled me in all the right classes when I was a kid. She sent me to dance, gymnastics, swimming, tennis. The only one I had any success at was swimming.
For the rest of the classes, I tried, I just never succeeded. I tried. I really wanted to do well. Even to this day I have the desire. Recently a friend brought her Wii over and we tried to play tennis. By the end of the first game, her husband sweetly commented, "Maybe we should try different game." See, it's not that I don't try. It's just that I am not talented in that area.
That phrase, "you can do anything," is frustrating to me. I can't. I can't be Venus Williams. I just can't. However, the passage we are focusing on today says that we can indeed to all things through God. When I was younger, that frustrated me as much as my mom's admonition that if I practiced enough I could do anything. Somehow it felt that my failures were due to a lack of effort or a lack of faith, rather than a lack of talent.
As an adult, I understand what Paul is saying in a totally different way. See, I believe that Paul is encouraging us to stay firm on the path placed before us by God. For in our darkest hours, God will give us the strength to carry on.
I know that I am blessed in this life with family, friends, a job, a house and countless other blessings that I take for granted every day. However, there are days when I feel like I cannot handle all the responsibilities that come with these blessings. I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to get all my work done. There's not enough of me to go around. On those days I feel like I need an escape. I know that I can never be successful, so I should just quit. I want to crawl in bed and let it all slip away for just a few sweet minutes. I know that if anyone could see my weakness, they would know what a fraud I am.
But honestly, people don't see the weaknesses. They don't hear my inner thoughts and doubts, instead they see me somehow make it all work out. They see me balance work, family, friends and God carefully. They see the end result. Sure, I drop a few balls along the way, but they don't notice that. Instead they see me "getting it done."
A couple of people have even said, "I don't know how you do it." Usually, I push away the comment by drawing attention to my many mistakes. Today though, I realized, I do get it done. I also realized how I do it. I don't do it with great organizational skills, for those are sorely lacking in my life. Instead, know that God gives me strength and grants me the grace to do what is set before me.
I try to spend time with him every day. I pray, listen to worship music, read the Bible, whatever works that day. Ironically, on the days that are very busy or stressful, I've found that time with God is longer rather than shorter. I may spend a few more minutes in prayer. I may search his word a little longer, looking for the passage that I need to focus on today. God reaches out through his word, through music and through prayer to strengthen me. He helps me to do the work he has given me; to raise my family, help children learn to communicate, share his love and serve my neighbors. He doesn't mind the mistakes I make along the way, as long as I keep running forward and giving it my all. He will see me through. I just have to rely on him.
Heavenly Father,
You have said that when I call on Jesus, there is nothing I can't do. While I wish that meant that with Jesus' help, I can become an amazing artist or tennis player, I know that you are telling me that if I follow your path and call on your name, you will help me to do the work you have given me to do. Thank you. I need your help. Please, Lord, help me to focus my energy on you, help me discern what it is you want me to do and keep me on the path, so that I may serve you.
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