John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
I was driving in my car today, enjoying the sunshine after the long winter of grey. I wasn't thinking about my car's engine, battery or airbags at the time. That is, until I saw an accident by the side of the road.
Suddenly I was grateful for the safety mechanisms that I usually take for granted. I got to thinking about how my airbag could potentially save my life. It could keep me from suffering the ultimate consequence of poor or distracting driving.
That's not to say that I would walk away from an accident unscathed. I realize that, even with airbags, I could have broken bones, scrapes, bruises, any number of injuries. But ulitmately, wounds heal and life is precious.
Isn't that how it is with God? We drive around, taking him for granted, possibly even making poor reckless choices. We do things that could harm or even kill us. And yet Jesus, with intimate mercy, literally took the blow for us. He submitted himself to suffering and death that we might live.
That doesn't mean we'll walk away unscathed. Like a car accident, we may be bruised or broken, but we will have life and life eternal. Jesus literally inflates himself, wraps his arms around us and holds us close, despite our sin and pain. He preserves our eternal life. He paid the ultimate price so that we don't have to.
Thank you for caring so much about us that you were willing to come to earth to protect us from our sins. We often take you for granted, forgetting you are there until we need you. We become frustrated and upset when we are in the middle of a painful situation. We forget that you are lovingly wrapping your arms around us to keep us safe. Thank you for always being there.
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